Water and Sewer Services
About Your Water
The City of Mt. Vernon purchases its water from the Rend Lake Conservancy District. Mt. Vernon then works as a supply hub for the surrounding water districts of Belle Rive, Bluford, North East Water, Waltonville and Woodlawn.
There are three divisions that work together to ensure that you have continuous water and sewer services.
Administrative/Billing Services Division
The Administrative/Billing Services Division is part of the Finance Department and is made up of the Finance Director, Lead Clerk and support staff. Billing Services is responsible for all water service connections and disconnects as well as collections, billing and payment processing for:
- Water
- Sewer
- Garbage & Recycling
Water Division
The water division is part of the Public Works Department and is responsible for operating and maintaining over 185 miles of water lines, 2 elevated ground tanks that hold 500,000 gallons each, 1 ground storage tank that holds 1,500,000 gallons, 7000 water meters and 1300 fire hydrants. These responsibilities include:
- Hydrant Flushing
- Installation of new water mains, valves and hydrants
- Repair of water mains, valves and hydrants on a 24/7 basis
- Installation and repair of all water meters
- Meter reading
Sewer Division
The sewer division is part of the Public Works Department and is responsible for the maintenance of 126 miles of sanitary sewer gravity main, 10 miles of sanitary sewer force main, approximately 2,500 sanitary sewer manholes, and 16 Lift Stations. These responsibilities also include:
- Investigating sewer pipes with a camera system capable of traveling inside pipe systems as far as 600 feet.
- Cleaning & unclogging sewer pipes with our Vacuum Truck
- Adding sewer cleaning solvents to the system to break-down grease, roots, & other clogs.
- Performing service calls to assist residents with various drainage problems in the sewer system
- Repairing air-relief valves that exist on each of the forcemains.
- Repairing sewer pipes & manholes.
- Installing and/or replacing sanitary sewer mains as needed.
Contact Information
Public Works Office
1201 Casey Avenue
Mount Vernon IL 62864
See on map: Google Maps
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Phone: (618) 242-6853
Fax: (618) 242-6861
After Hours/Emergency
(618) 242-2131
Public Works Director
Matt Fauss
Email: matt.fauss@mtvernon.com
Assistant Public Works Director
Stephen Talley
Email: stephen.talley@mtvernon.com