Employee Compensation Report
Public Act 97-0609 became effective, January 1, 2012. This act amends the Illinois Open Meetings Act and the Illinois Pension code and established new requirements for Illinois public bodies.
Among the law's requirements are the following:
1) All IMRF employers must post, within 6 days of the approval of a budget, the total compensation package for each employee having a total compensation package that exceeds $75,000 per year; and
2) Any IMRF employer that approves an employee's total compensation package equal to or more than $150,000 per year must post on its website, at least 6 days before approval, the total compensation package for that employee.
"Total compensation package" for purposes of the Act means "payment by the employer to the employee for salary, health insurance, a housing allowance, a vehicle allowance, a clothing allowance, bonuses, loans, vacation days granted, sick days granted."
FY 2024 Employee Compensation Report
FY 2023 Employee Compensation Report
Contact Information
Finance Office
1100 Main Street
Mt. Vernon, IL 68264
See on map: Google Maps
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (618) 242-5000 Ext. 6
Fax: (618) 242-6824
Finance Director
Stephanie Bailey
Email: stephanie.bailey@mtvernon.com
Food & Beverage, Hotel & Motel Tax Accountant
Karen Willmore
Email: karen.willmore@mtvernon.com
Accounts Receivable/Payroll Accountant
Liz Kirkpatrick
Email: liz.kirkpatrick@mtvernon.com
Accounts Payable Accountant
Lynn Bain
Email: lynn.bain@mtvernon.com