Leaf Burning
City ordinance allows for limited leaf burning throughout the year. Burning periods are permitted during the second full week of April, May, October, and November, Monday through Sunday, between the hours of sunrise to sunset. The fire chief can prohibit burning during these periods due to dry conditions, high winds, or other factors.
A fire is not allowed in a public street, public sidewalk, drainage ditch within the public right of way, or on someone else's property without permission. All types of fires must be physically attended by an adult at all times.
Ordinance Chapter 90, Section 90.08

Contact Information
Fire Administration
714 S 42nd Street
Mt. Vernon, IL 68264
See on map: Google Maps
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (618) 242-6880
Fax: (618) 242-6862
Emergency Phone: 911
Fire Chief
Chris Yenne
Email: chris.yenne@mtvernon.com
Assistant Fire Chief
Bryan Jennings
Email: bryan.jennings@mtvernon.com
Emergency Response:
24 hours a day
7 days a week
365 days a year
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