Electric Aggregation
In 2013, residents of Mt. Vernon approved by referendum the city’s ability to negotiate an aggregate rate for electric supply on behalf of the residents. Through the municipal aggregate, the city has consistently negotiated electric supply rates at or below the Ameren default supply rate.
Homefield Energy has been chosen as the city’s retail electric supplier. The current rate of $0.091 per kWh is a 12-month fixed rate from June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.
What is electric aggregation?
In 2009 the state of Illinois signed into law Public Act 096-0176. Under this law, the city may purchase electricity on behalf of residential and small business customers living within the city limits. The city seeks bids and negotiates the fixed rate per kWh from a supplier other than the traditional utility and the length of the agreement.
Who is eligible to participate?
All residents located in the City of Mt. Vernon are eligible to participate. Small business located within the city limits with a usage of 15,000 kWh or less are also eligible to participate.
How do I enroll in the program?
You do not need to do anything to be enrolled.
Can I opt out?
Residents can opt out of the program at any point by calling Homefield Energy at 1-866-694-1262.
Is there an early termination fee?
No, there is no early termination fee. You are only obligated to pay for services rendered under the contract until your service is terminated.
If I opted-out before, do I have to opt-out again this time?
Yes, residents who opted out under a previous rate but are still eligible for the aggregation program and received an opt-out letter would have to opt-out again from the new rate to avoid being automatically enrolled in the aggregation program. Opt-out letters are mailed to all eligible residents every time the aggregation rate changes, regardless of whether you opted-out of a previous aggregation rate or not.
Can I opt back in?
Yes, you can opt back in after 1 year. To do so you can call 1-844-351-7691 or email DESCustCare@vistraenergy.com. You will need to provide the account holder's name, address and account number.
Is there someone I can speak with if I have questions about this program?
Yes, the City of Mt. Vernon works with AGE as our consultant for our aggregation program. Jordan Haarmann is our primary point of contact with AGE. He can be reached at 618-203-8328 or jordan.h@agellc.com.
Electric Alternatives
There are several companies that you can choose your supply from and you can find information on all of them at www.pluginillinois.org/suppliers.aspx. The City of Mt. Vernon is in Ameren Rate Zone III.
During spring and summer, representatives from other companies may start going door to door to get residents to switch suppliers. Any solicitor who comes to your door or calls asking you to switch to a new supplier is not associated with the city. Please remember to never give out any account information to solicitors who say they represent the city.
Solicitors must adhere to the following guidelines:
- All solicitors must have a city-issued permit.
- Must carry and display their permit
- Must obey posted "No Soliciting" signs.
- Must leave when requested
- May ring the doorbell, knock upon or near a door, or otherwise attempt to engage with residents for soliciting between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
If they do not have a permit or it is after dusk, please call the Police Department non-emergency number at 618-242-2727. The city cannot deny a permit without valid cause and written complaints from residents.
Contact Us
1100 Main Street
Mount Vernon IL 62864
See on map: Google Maps
Phone: (618) 242-5000
Email: cityhall@mtvernon.com
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.