Bid Solicitation Notice: 2024-25 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Project
The City of Mt. Vernon is accepting sealed bids for the 2024-25 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Project. Bids will be received by the City Clerk until 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at Mt. Vernon City Hall, Room 100, 1100 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864. Immediately following, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The bid packets and project specifications are available for download as a PDF attachment in this email or may be picked up in person at the Mt. Vernon City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, Room 100.
Project Overview:
- Project Name: 2024-25 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Project
- Description: Installation of 20 precast sanitary sewer manholes at existing sanitary cleanout locations.
Please note:
- The City of Mt. Vernon reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and may select the bid most advantageous to the City.
- The successful bidder must be an equal opportunity employer.
- Bids should be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked “2024-25 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PROJECT.”
For any questions or further information, please contact:
Matt Fauss
Public Works Director
Public Works Department
1201 Casey Avenue
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
Phone: (618) 242-6853
Thank you for your interest in partnering with the City of Mt. Vernon on this important infrastructure project.
Contact Us
1100 Main Street
Mount Vernon IL 62864
See on map: Google Maps
Phone: (618) 242-5000
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.