Invitation to Bid For Sanitary Sewer System Improvements
The City of Mt. Vernon will receive Bids for Sanitary Sewer System Improvements 10:00 A.M. on September 9, 2024, at The City of Mt. Vernon 1100 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, IL, 62864 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bids are invited upon the several items and quantities of work as follows:
Item 1. 49,575 lineal feet of 8” Sanitary Sewer Investigation
Item 2. 3,138 lineal feet of 10” Sanitary Sewer Investigation
Item 3. 2,966 lineal feet of 12” Sanitary Sewer Investigation
Item 4. 1,582 lineal feet of 18” Sanitary Sewer Investigation
Item 5. 190 lineal feet of 21” Sanitary Sewer Investigation
Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, are on file at the office of City of Mt.
Vernon (Engineer) at 1100 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864. Copies of the Contract Documents may be
obtained by depositing $25.00 with the City of Mt. Vernon for each set of documents so obtained.
This project is funded in whole or in part with grant funds from the Environmental Protection Agency Grant
For additional information, please refer to the Bids and RFPs page on the city website.
Contact Us
1100 Main Street
Mount Vernon IL 62864
See on map: Google Maps
Phone: (618) 242-5000
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.