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Mt. Vernon City Council Meeting Agenda (1)


City of Mt. Vernon
Regular City Council Meeting
City Hall – 1100 Main St.
Facebook Live:
Monday, August 19, 2024 7:00 p.m.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Roll Call
  5. Presentation of Journals for the August 5, 2024, regular City Council Meeting.
  6. Visitors/Citizens Request/Addresses From the Audience
     Public Forum Rules of Participation
     Participants wishing to address the City Council on matters listed on the agenda or on any other matter directly relevant to the business of the City of Mt. Vernon shall do so during the Public Participation portion of the agenda. Each person wishing to speak during the Public Participation portion shall sign a Speaker’s List at the meeting prior to the start of the meeting providing his/her name and the topic to be discussed. Speakers will be recognized by the Mayor in the order the speaker’s name appears on the Speaker’s List. Public participation portion of the meeting shall be limited to five (5) minutes per person. All participants are expected to exercise common courtesy and follow any rules of order established or announced by the Mayor and/or City Council.
  7. Approval of Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable
  8. Bids/Quotes
  9. City Manager
    9-A     Request permission to waive bidding and add cameras to the public surveillance program
    9-B     Request permission to seek bids for road improvements for the Fountain Place Road Project
    9-C     Approval of a subdivision preliminary and final plat: Petitioning Party: City of Mt. Vernon
  10. Ordinances/Resolutions/Motions
    10-A   First reading of an ordinance prohibiting unauthorized camping on public property within the                city of Mt. Vernon
    10-B  Ordinance rezoning property at 2 Fountain Place from B-2 to I-2, Petitioning Party: Russell                    Henestofel, EMH&T
    10-C  Ordinance rezoning property at 9221 E. IL Highway 15 from A-G to B-2, Petitioning Party:                    Tracy St. Clair
  11. Mayor
    11-A   Appointment of Chris Yenne to the Minority Affairs and Human
              Relations Commission
    11-B   Appointment of Chris Yenne to the 911 Board
  12. City Council
  13. Visitors/Citizen Requests/Address From the Audience
  14. Executive Session
  15. Adjournment