City Owned Property
The City of Mt. Vernon owns numerous vacant properties throughout the city available for sale or transfer. In order to make these properties more affordable to acquire, the city has implemented a Homeownership program, Property Only Program and a Mow to Own program.
For a current list of properties available, contact the Engineering and Inspections Department.
Home Ownership
As a first step to revitalize our older neighborhoods and encourage home ownership and construction of new residential homes, the city will offer the lot to a resident or future resident for free if they agree to and meet the following conditions:
- R-1 or R-2 zoned property, the buyer agrees to either build a new home or place a modular home on the property within one year of the agreement.
- RM-2 zoned property, the buyer agrees to either build a new home or place a modular or manufactured home that meets the standards set by ordinance on the property within one year of the agreement.
- Only one lot per person can be acquired.
- Lots are available on a first come first served basis.
- Placement of a dwelling must occur within 12 months of agreement. If this condition is not met, then ownership of the lot reverts to the city.
Property Only
If you do not intend to place a new dwelling on the property, you can purchase the property from the city.
- Lots are available on a first come first served basis.
- If more than one person is interested in the property, the city will require sealed bids and the highest bid will acquire the property.
Mow to Own Program
The Mow to Own program helps adjacent property owners acquire the vacant properties and improve neighborhoods at the same time by permitting acquisition of the property through routine maintenance instead of a cash purchase. It is the desire of the city to see these lots incorporated into neighboring yards and improved.
To begin the process, select a vacant lot from the city's surplus property list and submit a completed application online or download and submit in person to the Engineering and Inspections Office. Applications will be reviewed and additional information may be requested. If approved, you will be required to sign an agreement stating the requirements to fulfill your obligation of maintenance. After two years, the property will be signed over to you by quit claim deed.
- You must own the property adjacent to the vacant lot.
- You must maintain the property for a two year period.
- You must not have any nuisance, building and/or zoning violations within the last two years.
- No delinquent utility accounts in the last two years
- Property taxes have been paid in the last two years
- 501(c)(3) Non profit Organizations must have 501 (c)(3) status at the time of application and maintain it throughout the two year period
- You cannot build on the property until the two year period is over and the property is conveyed to you.
Contact Information
Engineering and Inspections Administration
1100 Main Street
Mount Vernon IL 62864
See on map: Google Maps
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (618) 242-6830
City Engineer
Brad Ruble